
Monday, December 14, 2009

Botswana Music Camp Concert 2009

Saturday the 12th of December was this year's Botswana Music Camp Final Concert. Botswana Music Camp is quite a special thing. For one week out of the year people from Botswana, and also from over our border, gather in Gaborone to play music together. There are professional musicians, experienced amateurs and people just learning. My daughter and I attended last year for the first time. I couldn't go this year because of work pressures, mainly two textbooks and a novel to finish over fairly tight deadlines. I have to admit that I regretted not being able to attend this year but was so glad my daughter did.

The music camp offers classes in various disciplines. This year there was marimba, mbira (which is a type of traditional thumb piano), pop singing, classical singing, African drums, dance and instrumental. The schedule is tight and very vigorous with lessons and performances. Last year I attended for instrumental ( I play trumpet) and by the end of the week I was completely exhausted. It is huge fun and you meet all sorts of interesting people.

At the end of the week, the campers give a free concert to show the public what they learned. The concert on Saturday was great. The talent in the country is quite astounding. But I have to say, I was most astonished by my daughter who performed a solo. I'm scared to death on stage but as you can see from the video, she is NOT her mother's daughter, at least in that sense. She was fantastic and we were so proud of her. (Save perhaps her unfortunate decision to wear rainbow socks- one thing can certainly be said- she has her own style!)

Congratulations all of you Music Campers out there! Fantastic job!


  1. as the mother of a professional actor I have to say the thrill and amazement never stops seeing your child on stage! Congrats to you and your daughter. She was great!

  2. I'd only ever heard her singing around the house really. Last year at Music Camp she did a bit of rap and sang only in a group. It was quite a surprise. But I wonder Sue, do you always get so nervous? Gosh I was almost as nervous on he behalf as I am when I must get in front of an audience.

    Miriam- Thanks for stopping by!

  3. isn't is a shame that although we work for ourselves, at home, we are still so tied to other people's schedules that we cannot take a couple days off for enrichment?

  4. My oldest daughter is a performer. Every time I watch her perform, I swoon all over and embarrass her! I'm sorry you missed seeing your daughter on stage. You play the trumpet! I used to play the flute. I wanted to play the saxophone but the band leader ( a male, this was back in the 60's, said girls must stick with the flute or cymbals.)

  5. I love her socks. They add personality. She seems a natural. I had my own performance yesterday, reading in front of a group of writers, at a restaurant. It's a DimeStory. I wrote it, and my friend filmed me. I had so much fun.

  6. Elizabeth- we did go down for the concert I just didn't go fot the camp the week before. Don't care much for that band leader.

    Gutsy Writer- sounds like your reading went well, that's wodnerful. I am always too scared to appreciate my own readings- though I'm trying to get better.

  7. Bonita- actually I could have likely gone but I knew I had a lot of stuff coming up in the new year so I wanted to get ahead of the game.

  8. She's brilliant. She reminds me of Corinne Bailey Rae. The socks are cool!

  9. Thanks Selma. I told her what you said about CBR- she was happy. We are big CBR fans in this house.

  10. Great stuff! She sounds awesome! I like the socks too.
