We're back from Rustenburg and the fantastic World Cup game, Ghana vs Australia. We had a great time. That's Mr. K. and me at the game.

And here are our tickets.

Here are some of the fans at the game. It was like one big party. Everything was very well organised and people were great. I never once in the whole time I was in South Africa felt unsafe, despite all of the hype before the games. The organisation was very good. The only small problem was the Park and Ride after the game. The buses were late to pick us up for Phokeng North (where we had to park our cars) but when we got to the parking lot I thought maybe it was purposeful so that they people didn't have to queue forever in their cars.

This is Mr. K. and Zakumi with our car duly dressed in the Ghana flag for the game. Friday night we had dinner with one of my Facebook friends, Fiona Zerbst, who lives in Rustenburg. She is a freelance writer and a well known poet. She gave me Zakumi as a present.
We camped at Pilanesburg National Park and took two great game drives, Saturday morning and Sunday morning. We saw all sorts of animals including my favourites- giraffe and warthogs. We also saw elephants, rhinos and hippos and some very lovely turtles.
And below is my office in the process. This photo was taken this morning. I'm getting very excited about having my own room for writing. (!!!!!)
So great to see pix of you guys! And a real (brick) room of your own - how wonderful!
Sue, they put my fireplace in this morning. I'm over the moon happy!! Can't wait for it to be finished. I envision some pretty good writing happening in there. (hopefully)
Cool, lucky you to be there. Soccer is best live. I watched the game in TV, of course.
By the way, we call it football, but in America that word has been stolen by a sport where they mostly throw the ball ... it's a shame >:)))
Cold As Heaven
Thanks so much for posting these pictures, Lauri - it looks as if you had a fantastic time. The energy must have been incredible.
How wonderful that your office is being built! That looks like a nice large space - and I see from your comments that you're getting a fireplace? Wow. I'd love to see pictures as it evolves.
Elspeth- that's a good idea. I'll take photos of the progress.
You guys must have had a ball. But of course, this whole country was gutted :( A writing office! What a privilege!
Okay, loved the pictures and that you got to go to the game is fantabulous! But I am really envious of your new office! Definitely want to see pictures of it as it's built.
Maxine- The Australian fans were great. There was a couple in front of us and the woman was wild, jumping on the seat blowing her vuvuzela. In the end I thought it was better that the teams drew since no one went home completely sad.
And yes I know I'm very lucky to get this office. It's being built with royalty money so the writing is helping tyhe writing, which seems fair enough.
Great update and photos! I would have so loved to be there - must have been fantastic. Laughing at the Australian fan and her vuvuzela!! And great news about your office - how exciting...
Laurie, so exciting! I would have loved to experience the World Cup up close and personal. Great update -- and so happy for you to have your own special place to write. You deserve it!
Congratulations on "A Room of One's Own". I can already see a small fridge for drinks and your lovely animal tea service. Will Mr Catman be allowed to visit?
@Bonita- Of course Sgt. Catman and Senor Ramon will have free access BUT not their misc. snack items (i.e. lizards, mice and other things they like playing with before eating)
Ooh, it's all so exciting! The World Cup, the way you just headed over into another country... the lovely pics of you both! And your office, wow. V v jealous - can you even BE more productive than you are, Ms K??
First of all, I love your new blog template. Secondly, I feel closer to you now that I've watched some games on TV. I'm envious of the animals you saw. It reminds me of the trip I took to Kenya and Tanzania with two of my sons 13 years ago. I'd love to visit again.
Tania don't be too jealous. Keep in mind I've been writing in an open plan house with the radio blaring in the kitchen and the TV in the sitting room and Giant Teenagers full of endless questions. I've suffered for a long time.
Gutsywriter hope you're enjoying the World Cup I think it's been one of the most exciting in many ways.
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