Friday, August 12, 2011

I'm Visiting Elaine's Blog!-"Lauri and The Caine"

Elaine Pillay kindly asked me to write about my experiences around my Caine Prize shortlisting. She's put up the post HERE.

And on other news, I suddenly realised I've been globetrotting for most of this year so am in a huge panic that I have written just about nothing. So I'm trying to keep my nose to the grindstone.

Good news- Signed, Hopelessly in Love , my YA book, is now out and can be bought at Book Depository HERE. I also have a new romance out with Sapphire/Kwela in South Africa called Mr Not Quite Good Enough. As I write this I'm waiting for the courier to arrive with my author copies. Read about it HERE.

Enjoy your weekend!!!

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