Acacia trees can be so stubborn and stingy with their tiny leaves and wicked thorns but I'm always amazed come spring when they are so extravagant with their flowers. It's so unlike most trees with their brown, green non-showy flowers. Acacia trees in full flower look like a tree decorated for Christmas. I took a couple photos so you can get the idea.

WOW what a show! (It's cold and sleeting here.)
Beautiful blossoms all around! I was so happy to photograph baobab blossoms the other day..
Well done for having done so well on the bird count after all!! :)
Bonita we're in summer here, our rainy season. I have to tekll you I do not miss Midwestern winters at all. Sorry.
Karen-Baobab flowers are fabulous, again like acacia a bit unreal.
Gorgeous blooms and I'm not surprised you don't miss snow. I don't.
It sounds terrible to say this but I didn't know Australia and Botswana had so much in common with their flora until I started reading your blog. Love the acacias in spite of their spikiness!
I got a question
I did forget what's the name of that acacia with the 2 color flower ..
Yellow plus pinky
Anyone can help
I got a question
I did forget what's the name of that acacia with the 2 color flower ..
Yellow plus pinky
Anyone can help
The plant is Dichrostachys cinerea….there is a good description on Wikipedia with many of the alternative common names listed. Hope this helps!
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