Tuesday, May 28, 2013

In My Post

I've had a few nice packages in the post recently. The first was my author copies for a children's book I wrote for Macmillan UK called Elephants.

Writing for these new, young readers is challenging. You need to be careful with your vocabulary as well as your sentence structure. Also, there is a lot of jargon in educational publishing that you need to understand before you even get started. I was trained as a teacher but that didn't give me much of an advantage. It was a good learning experience writing this book.

The next package contained the new anthology from Fundza Literacy Trust, a project I have a lot of love for.  I've written quite a few stories for their Mobi platform. The stories go out a chapter a day onto the kids' cellphones. If you like immediate engagement with your readers, Fundza is the place for you. The kids give you immediate and honest feedback.

Big Ups! is a print collection containing some of the stories which appeared online. I'm proud to say my story The Good Girl is included. (click the link if you want to read it online)