I know this news is late and I have been a terrible blogger but I am home and will try to make amends.
Yes, for those not in the loop, Zimbabwean writer, NoVoilet Bulawayo, was the winner this year. Of the people on the shortlist, she was the only one I knew before getting to London. We met through blogging and Facebook and were internet friends. I am very happy for her and I think of all of us on the shortlist she will be able to get the most from this prize. She currently teaches at Cornell and is just starting out on her writing journey. She has a unique, fresh voice, a brilliant mind and I'm very excited to see how she grows in her writing. I have a feeling she is destined for great things. Watch out world!
Where do I start in writing about my last few weeks. I'm still in pieces really, not quite myself. It will be weeks, likely months before I see what my time in Lagos and then London has done to me. But there a few facts that I can state for sure and certain.
1. Mr K and I had a fabulous, never-to-be-forgotten, 20th wedding anniversary, ending with a lovely dinner at Bodleian Library in Oxford. Who on this planet can say they celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on top of (to the side of, next to, in the vicinity of) every book ever written in the English language? We can!!
2. I met so many wonderful people. Some will definitely be pivotal in my writing career. Some will inspire me to be a better writer, and others I know for sure will become life-long friends. Where everyone will fall is yet to be realised.
3. The Lauri Kubuitsile who left Botswana about a month ago is not the one who returned two days ago. Molecules have shifted. Thoughts have changed course. Eyes have been re-focused. I'm looking forward to what this new person will get up to. I feel a bit like I don't have enough of my life left to do all the new things I want to. I hope this is not the case.
For now, that's all I've got. I'll try my best to get my thoughts sorted and more specific during the next few days.
Sounds like a life-changing experience, for sure. I am really thrilled for you, Lauri. Thanks for continuing to inspire me. It means a lot!
Hi Selma!! I feel like I've been away from the blog world forever. Yes, it really was a wonderful trip.
It sounds like it was an amazing trip. I smiled just reading it.
I read your feature in the Next newspaper and all I can say is, you go girl. And yeah, "watch out world" too. Just ordered me a copy of is he the one on Amazon, and looking forward to reading.
Congrats on your wedding annivesary too. 20 years, and you look so amazing :)
Thanks Myne! I just sent you a FB message about maybe hosting a stop on my blog book tour. I hope you'll agree.
Best wishes Lauri with those new molecules! Let the good energy flow! ciao catherine
Great photo of Big Ben in the rain. Typical English weather! I found the blog looking for a cool picture of big ben to show my kids. Its an inspiring read.
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