Though I'd been warned about shopping in Egypt, that I must barter and get a better price, it was an experience. We got "capture" by a mini-moghul with three shops nearly on top of each other, tiny shops located along thin streets. Anything we needed he had and he "would give us a good price". In the end I bought many things I really did not need at prices which were likely not so good. But they are lovely things which I cannot mention as some are presents for family members who might read this blog.
Here are a few photos from today's adventure! (Please note:My internet has all gone Arabic so I can no longer use spell check, so be forgiving of my spelling infractions)
This is the wind farm outside of Hurghada.

This is Mickey Mouse who also has a holiday home in Egypt, apparently.

Spices outside of a shop.

A man carving on metal cats, quite amazing. I bought two of them. The saleman for the shop was a serious slick talker. With his quick talking, he nearly got an invitation to Rome from our Italian collegaue.

Thanks for posting the picture of the wind farm - I find these farms mesmerizing. Who knew Mickey had a place in Egypt?
I think I would've come away with a few of those cats myself; I love to watch craftsmen at work. You will have to update us on the gifts once the recipients have received them. Thoroughly enjoying following you around Egypt Lauri :-)
Looks like they are way ahead with windmill power than in the U.S., but not as far as Denmark.
I was actually surprised to see the wind farm. It hasn't been as windy here as it is on the coast in Namibia and they don't have wind farms. It makes a lot of sense since there is space in the desert.
I was really amazed at the way the man was making the cats. It seemed sort of rough but the output is quite intricate.
Ooh, looks amazing! I can't believe I spent 15 years in Israel and never got to Egypt. The cats look great, love the sounds of them. Missing yours?
Hi Lauri - thanks for sharing your Egyptian experience with us - all most fascinating!
Tania between the excitement of being here and the angst over my daughter leaving for America yesterday (still in transit as I write this) I haven't had time to miss the cats just yet.
Whatch out for zombie-faraoes. They're all over the place >:)))
Nice pictures, makes me wanna visit Egypt ...
Cold As Heaven
The Egyptian Mickey Mouse has cracked me up. Those spices are amazing!
I just think it is great that you bought the presents. Everytime we go on a trip we know we will want to bring something for our beloved ones so we need to spare that money just to spend on them. Last year I was in Argentina, in some awesome Buenos Aires real estate I had gotten and since the accomodationwas so unexpensive, I decided to spend the money I had saved on my friends and family. I bought a looooot of clothes!
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